Reverse Engineering 101: Cipher

Introduction On June 12th, I posted a simple challenge on the 0x00sec forum. This challenge is aimed at beginners who are just starting to explore programming and reverse engineering. You can find the challenge in the ReverseMe section above. In this writeup, I’ll show you how to tackle the challenge using tools like Ghidra, and basic reverse e... Read more

Writing a simple, Stealthy malware

Introduction This article will discuss and demonstrate how polymorphic malware uses self-modification to conceal its inner workings. So, what is polymorphic malware? Well, polymorphic malware is an old idea—essentially, it involves being able to assign different behaviors or values to something, making it tricky to detect. Polymorphic malware t... Read more

Self Deleting Executables

Introduction In this post, we delve into the concept of “Self-Deleting Executables,” exploring their functionality, utility, and implementation. We’ll cover various applications of this concept and provide a detailed explanation, including a proof of concept (POC). As always, I’ll walk you through how it works and provide code examples. Additio... Read more

Cyber Threat Intelligence - TOR Investigations

Introduction In this article, I will guide you through my thought process while conducting an investigation, aiming to identify and collect sources of intelligence. Specifically, we will focus on utilizing open-source intelligence sources related to the Deep and Dark Web domain. Our primary goal is to monitor intelligence information from the f... Read more

The Linux Kernel Modules Programming

Introduction In this tutorial, I’m going to teach you how to write linux kernel modules, it is necessary to know C programming language. You will probably ask “So, what the hell is that linux kernel module?” it is a piece of code that can be dynamically loaded and unloaded from the kernel, “maybe you don’t know what kernel is” *It is the... Read more